Frequently Asked Questions
Do you actually roast the coffee yourselves?
Of course we do! It's the very thing that separates us from being "just a coffee shop". Our master roasters create a variety of batches of coffee several times a week and are continuously experimenting to create that next new flavor.
How long is your coffee good for?
Whole bean coffee should last up to two months as long as it is stored properly. However, once the bean has been ground up, it should be used within 24 hours to preserve its flavor and freshness.
Do you accept returns?
Unfortunately, we cannot accept any returns since coffee is perishable.
How much does it cost to ship?
Shipping charges can vary, but average anywhere from $4 to $14. Any purchase of $45 or more ships for free!
How long does shipping take?
Shipping usually takes 1 to 3 business days through USPS.
What are your recommended brewing instructions?
Do you prefer drip? Pour over? How about french press? How you brew your coffee is entirely up to you! Give us a call or send us an email - we are happy to help!
How should I store my coffee?
Coffee should always remain stored in an airtight sealed bag or container.
Where does your coffee come from?
Most of our coffee is sourced from South America and Africa, however that does not mean we are limited to only those parts of the world.
Should I buy whole bean or pre-ground?
We highly recommend ordering whole bean if you have a grinder at home. Don't worry if you don't - simply select the "Grind Size" from the drop-down menu when ordering and we will grind it for you!
Which has more caffeine, a light or dark roast?
A question we get a lot is – “which dark roast do you recommend?” or “does that have a lot of caffeine?” People get hung up on whether the coffee is a light/medium/dark roast or how much caffeine is in each cup. There is a misconception that you can only use a dark roast to get a bold cup of coffee or that a light roast has more caffeine because it was roasted for less time (not allowing for the caffeine to break down). Neither are entirely true.
When it comes to boldness, you just need a higher coffee to water ratio when brewing. You can use light, medium or dark roasted beans to get that bold cup. Regarding caffeine content - first thing to know is that caffeine breaks down at about 460 degrees. We roast all our coffees under this temp, so one can argue caffeine levels are comparable in our roasts.
Instead of asking about roasts or caffeine content, we should be talking about FLAVOR. Let us know what FLAVOR you want to try. We have chocolatey, nutty, citrusy, fruity…. whatever you want to try, we have a coffee for you!
Can you freeze or refrigerate the coffee beans?
As long as you have not opened the coffee's original packaging yet, you actually can store it in the freezer or refrigerator. When it is time to thaw, just place it on the counter and let it naturally reach room temperature before you open it and start grinding.